Upper Primary comprises of learners in grade 4 to grade 6.
The subjects in upper primary will include:
- English.
- Kiswahili or Kenya Sign Language for learners who are deaf.
- Home Science.
- Agriculture.
- Science and technology.
- Mathematics.
- Religious education: This will be either Christian Religious Education (CRE), Islamic Religious Education (IRE) or the Hindu Religious Education (HRE). At this level, a pastoral program of instruction will be conducted once a week.
As an option, students can select to take a variety of foreign languages: Arabic, French, German or Mandarin.
Lower Secondary is also known as the Junior Secondary and comprises of grade 7 to grade 9.
The subjects for lower secondary are grouped into 2:
- 1. Core subjects
- 2. Optional subjects
The core subjects include:
- English
- Kiswahili or KSL
- Mathematics
- Integrated Science
- Health Education
- Pre-technical and pre-career education
- Religious education
- Business Studies 1
- Agriculture
- Life Skills Education
- Sports and Physical education
For the optional subjects, the learners pick a minimum of 1 or maximum of 2 subjects. They include:
- Visual Arts
- Performing Arts
- Home Science
- Foreign languages
Note: ICT will be a learning tool in all areas, at all levels of learning. Additionally, pertinent and contemporary issues will be mainstreamed in all subjects.